About the Founders
Riccardo Mondo
Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst, he is an ordinary AIPA (Italian Association for the study of Analytical Psychology) and IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology) member; former fellow (from 2006 to 2008) of the national managing board of AIPA . He is co-founder, together with Luigi Turinese of Crocevia Cultural Association and in 2006 of the IMPA

In addition to clinical practice, he acts as cultural promoter and lecturer, with a psychodynamic approach. He is author of various issues on basic psychoanalytic themes and psychosocial disorders’ prevention and rehabilitation. He also runs group therapy using a Jungian approach.
He lectures on Dream Psychology in the four year post-graduate professional training in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for D.A. offered by the Istituto di Ortofonologia (Institute for Speech and Language Therapy and Training Centre for Developmental Psychotherapy) in Rome.
He has edited the “Conference Proceedings (2001): Incontro con James Hillman”: http://www.ordinepsy.sicilia.it/html/hillman.pdf on behalf of the Ordine degli Psicologi della Regione Siciliana (Sicilian Regional Psychologists’ Association), and in 2003 the volume L’arco e la freccia. Prospettive per una genitorialità consapevole (Magi Edizioni, 2003).
He is co-editor, together with Luigi Turinese of the volume Caro Hillman… Venticinque scambi epistolari con James Hillman (Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2004).
From 2006 to 2008 he edits the column Psyche and Dreams for the weekly Viveresette of La Sicilia newspaper.
He lives and practices in Catania
Email: riccardomondo@archeimpa.it
Tel./Fax: 095 317158
Blog – Sogno Arcano: http://sognoarcano.blogspot.com/
Riccardo Mondo about Analytical Psychology – Video – (Rainews24, Tempi Dispari, 19.04.06)- Video:
■ Pubblicato il 15 August 2010, 00:12 da
G. T.
■ Modificato il 14 September 2010, 10:10 da
G. T.
■ Archiviato nella Sezione
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